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Incoherent nonsense that my daughter truly loves. I've given up ever trying to read this book without messing up at least once, my voice and brain are just not up to the challenge; if anything though, that is part of the charm.
Obviously based on her laughter, that adds to the book to her at least.
4/5 stars for one of the good doctor's classics.
What does the fox say?
Incoherent nonsense that my daughter truly loves. I've given up ever trying to read this book without messing up at least once, my voice and brain are just not up to the challenge; if anything though, that is part of the charm.
Obviously based on her laughter, that adds to the book to her at least.
4/5 stars for one of the good doctor's classics.
I've been reading books dealing with really dark situations all day, so I needed something easy to read.
Super cute read!
Mental Health Break!I've been reading books dealing with really dark situations all day, so I needed something easy to read.
Super cute read!
(The answer is seven, incidentally, if you're keeping score at home.)

Either 1 Star or 5 Stars depending on how many times you've been forced to read it/how many glasses of wine you've had to drink
Any sportsball fans in the house? If so you'll know that meme is 100% accurate. However, since today is Dr. Seuss' birthday I'm here to talk about a different annoying sound – that which comes from discovering what the fox says . . .
Wrong again, but it's almost as aggravating. In case you are someone w
Find all of my reviews at: 1 Star or 5 Stars depending on how many times you've been forced to read it/how many glasses of wine you've had to drink
Any sportsball fans in the house? If so you'll know that meme is 100% accurate. However, since today is Dr. Seuss' birthday I'm here to talk about a different annoying sound – that which comes from discovering what the fox says . . .
Wrong again, but it's almost as aggravating. In case you are someone who is far removed from your own childhood and not yet
might not end up being your idea of a great time. Buuuuuuuuuuut, if you discover you have been gifted with the ability to read tongue-twisters at an astonishing speed, the tiny human giggles that your magic will generate is well worth the annoyance of having this be the selection that is requested to read on a never-ending loop of "AGAIN!!!!"
And really, the alternative "fox" story . . .
Will make you have to up your dosage of Lexapro so it's better to stick with this one.
So can YOU read this out loud?
Bim comes.
Ben comes.
Bim brings Ben broom.
Ben brings Bim broo
So can YOU read this out loud?
Bim comes.
Ben comes.
Bim brings Ben broom.
Ben brings Bim broom.
Ben bends Bim's broom.
Bim bends Ben's broom.
Bim's bends.
Ben's bends.
Ben's bent broom breaks.
Bim's bent broom breaks.
Ben's band.
Bim's band.
Big bands.
Pig bands.
Bim and Ben lead bands with brooms.
Ben's band bangs and Bim's band booms.

a giant crow sews Knox into a box
a giant crow sews Knox into a box
on the next page Fox tries to get him to chew the blue goo
Fox in Socks has been called Seuss's greatest tragedy. Its ending is irredeemably bleak. Fox succeeds in driving Knox mad - but in a final twist, the now-lunatic Knox turns against his tormenter and viciously murders him.
"Thank you," gibbers the raving Knox, "For a lot of fun, sir!" as the battling tweetle beetles advance on the trapped fox.
Make mad the guilty, and appall the free,
Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed
The very faculties of eyes and ears.
- Hamlet II.ii

No two ways about it, this book is an endless series of fun tongue twisters. It's fun to read out loud but after the first ten times, everything blends together and your brain starts feeling like warm oatmeal.
Fox is Sox is some brain-melting, tongue-twisting good fun.
When my son decides he likes a book, he likes you to read it so many times consecutively that the words lose all meaning. Fox in Sox is one of those books.No two ways about it, this book is an endless series of fun tongue twisters. It's fun to read out loud but after the first ten times, everything blends together and your brain starts feeling like warm oatmeal.
Fox is Sox is some brain-melting, tongue-twisting good fun.
This is one of my all time favorite books and I love to get it out and read it fast to the kids, well, as fast as I can and they laugh and wonder how I do that. It's my one trick. I give this all the stars.
This is the tongue twister to end all tongue twister and of course it is a fox which makes it perfect. I heard an audio recording of this where the reader was extremely fast and I aspire to be able to say it that fast and it is difficult.This is one of my all time favorite books and I love to get it out and read it fast to the kids, well, as fast as I can and they laugh and wonder how I do that. It's my one trick. I give this all the stars.
What do you know about tweetle beetles? Well...
When tweetle beetles fight,
it's called a tweetle beetle battle.
And when they battle in a puddle,
it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle.
AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle,
they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.
When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle
and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle...
...they call this a tweetle beetle b
What do you know about tweetle beetles? Well...
When tweetle beetles fight,
it's called a tweetle beetle battle.
And when they battle in a puddle,
it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle.
AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle,
they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.
When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle
and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle...
...they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.
When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles
and the bottle's on a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles...
...they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle
bottle paddle battle.
ABOUT THIS BOOK: In this hilarious book, the irrepressible Fox in Socks teaches a baffled Mr. Knox some of the slickest, quickest tongue-twisters in town.
MY THOUGHTS: Fox in Socks is currently my grandson's favourite book. It really is the only book he currently wants to read, or to be read to him. It has even ousted his Paw Patrol book in the favourites stakes!
And he is word perfect on it....when my tongue got twisted the other day, he said 'Nana, that's not right. Read it again!'
Dr Seuss brings out the child in all of us. I love reading, and rereading, his books. I love the illustrations. I love the sillyness.
5 stupendous stars 😂🤣❤🤪💖
THE AUTHOR: Dr. Seuss has been delighting young children and helping them learn to read for over fifty years. Creator of the wonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat, and ranked among the UK's top ten favourite children's authors, Seuss is firmly established as a global best-seller, with nearly half a billion books sold worldwide.
DISCLOSURE: My grandson, Luke, owns his copy of Fox in Socks by Dr Seuss, published by Greenback Books. All opinions expressed in this review are my own personal opinions and those of my grandson, Luke.
For an explanation f my rating system, please refer to my profile page, or the about page on
This review and others are also published on Twitter and my webpage
Beginning his career in the late 1920's as an illustrator and cartoonist, it wasn't until nearly 30 years later that Seuss produced his classic series of children's books that so many of us know and love.
Never having the benefit of the books of Dr Seuss when I was a chil
'Dr Seuss' being the pen name under which Theodor Seuss Geisel wrote (taking his middle name and making full use of his Oxford University PhD in English literature) was the American born grandson of German immigrants to the US.Beginning his career in the late 1920's as an illustrator and cartoonist, it wasn't until nearly 30 years later that Seuss produced his classic series of children's books that so many of us know and love.
Never having the benefit of the books of Dr Seuss when I was a child, it was with great pleasure that I discovered his work many years later when reading them to my own children.
For anyone who has not yet discovered Seuss's classic children's books – now is the time to do so! What Seuss has created using such imagination, with a particularly dynamic (both flamboyant but simple) and unique style of illustration, coupled with his verse rhythms and the use of repetitive but building and twisting phrases – all in an extremely and deliberately accessible way, is a series of works which are a fantastic visual and verbal feast, captivating both children and adults alike.
For me the most memorable examples of Seuss's work are:
'The Cat in the Hat' (along with its sequel 'The Cat in the Hat Comes Back') – For the wonderful creation of mischief that is the 'Cat in the Hat'
'Fox in Socks' – For the tremendously bizarre tongue-twisters
'Green Eggs and Ham' – For the ever building and dynamic nature of the verse.
All of them of course have Seuss's trademark fantastic illustrations and rhythmic verses throughout.
It is that unique combination of:
Attractive illustrations and exciting verse – both very dynamic, always moving always going somewhere new; both very strange, silly and bizarre – all in an extremely accessible, engaging and compelling (and let's not forget educational) way – which creates Dr Seuss's fantastically immersive world.
A timeless world of the imagination, of amazing words, pictures, rhymes, stories, learning, but above all else – FUN
Not just for children, but for the child in all of us.
Once again a book full of wild, wild, wild tongue twisters. Read and go mad. Make your children go mad too for a day. Nothing wrong with it.
Fox in Socks
Truly Rocks.
Socks on Rocks,
Box in Socks,
Rocks in Box,
Socks on Fox.
This is one book that is richer
Than Goldfinger's Fort Knox.
If you say right each tongue twister
Once again a book full of wild, wild, wild tongue twisters. Read and go mad. Make your children go mad too for a day. Nothing wrong with it.
Fox in Socks
Truly Rocks.
Socks on Rocks,
Box in Socks,
Rocks in Box,
Socks on Fox.
This is one book that is richer
Than Goldfinger's Fort Knox.
If you say right each tongue twister
You will be one smart 'Fox in Socks'.

If you enjoyed this review you'll probably like my Youtube reviews--be warned, I enjoy some good snark! Because Mockingjay was so intellectually vapid and emotionally bland I have to work my way back into books. Thus: Fox in Socks! He's a clever fox you know. ...more If you enjoyed this review you'll probably like my Youtube reviews--be warned, I enjoy some good snark!

Brilliant. Tongue twisters that'll make you stumble and chuckle as you try to read this insane book aloud.
Brilliant. ...more

Back in the day, our local Fox affiliate got into a debacle with our local cable provider, Cox. So, every day for over a month, "Fox on Cox" was all over the local news and in the newspaper. My mom always said that it sounded like a Dr. Seuss book, and she wasn't the only one who thought so; somebody wrote a Ted-Geisel-style rhyming poem and submitted it to our local paper.
The tongue twisters were fun, too; still, I'll always as
Every time I shelve this book at the library, I laugh to myself.Why?
Back in the day, our local Fox affiliate got into a debacle with our local cable provider, Cox. So, every day for over a month, "Fox on Cox" was all over the local news and in the newspaper. My mom always said that it sounded like a Dr. Seuss book, and she wasn't the only one who thought so; somebody wrote a Ted-Geisel-style rhyming poem and submitted it to our local paper.
The tongue twisters were fun, too; still, I'll always associate this book with the incident between a local channel and Cox Cable.

[shelf: evil-kids-books]
This is an evil kid's book, for sure. Pick it up and you'll be condemned to a near eternity of grueling tongue twisters. And your kid will love it... Not because it's one of Seuss's masterpieces, but because he or she will enjoy watching you sweat like a hog as you labor from page to page and go purple in the face while you silently (with any luck) curse yourself for buying the thing.[shelf: evil-kids-books]
I'm going to start reading this every night. And I'm going to time myself. My new goal in life is to always beat my previous best time. Ambitious, I know. I read it to my daughters 3 times tonight, each time faster than the last. What a rush.
I'll tell you what's messing me up... It's those brooms that Ben and Bim are carring around. They're REALLY bugging me.
The Seuss I read tonight...I'm going to start reading this every night. And I'm going to time myself. My new goal in life is to always beat my previous best time. Ambitious, I know. I read it to my daughters 3 times tonight, each time faster than the last. What a rush.
I'll tell you what's messing me up... It's those brooms that Ben and Bim are carring around. They're REALLY bugging me.
I read this aloud to a 3-year-old I was babysitting, and I died.
At the beginning of the book, it says "danger." I should have been warned... "Fox in Socks" is a book full of tongue twisters, and long too. My mouth died. 62 times for 62 pages.
I don't know what to rate this book!!!I read this aloud to a 3-year-old I was babysitting, and I died.
At the beginning of the book, it says "danger." I should have been warned... "Fox in Socks" is a book full of tongue twisters, and long too. My mouth died. 62 times for 62 pages.

Fox in Socks offers lots of opportunities for grownups. Read it in bed w
In Fox in Socks, Dr. Seuss poses a treacherous, but delightful linguistic challenge for adults and children alike. It is also the only work by the famous children's author prefaced with a warning: "This book is DANGEROUS!" Through a series of vignettes on diverse subjects, Dr. Seuss melds his trademark silliness with near-lethal tongue twisters, including a variant on the infamous "The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick."Fox in Socks offers lots of opportunities for grownups. Read it in bed with your spouse for rejuvenating laughter after a rough day. Have a race with your friends to see who can recite the entire thing most quickly without error. You'll find inspiration here for any number of drinking games.
Teens and college students might find this book useful for English classes for which a poetry recitation is required. If you can rattle this thing off from memory, you'll demolish the competition and win lifelong adoration from everyone in your audience.

In 1936 on the way to a vaction in Europe, listening to the rhythm of the ship's engines, he came up with And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, which was then promptly rejected by the first 43 publishers he showed it to. Eventually in 1937 a friend published the book for him, and it went on to at least moderate success.
During WW II, Geisel joined the army and was sent to Hollywood. Captain Geisel would write for Frank Capra's Signal Corps Unit (for which he won the Legion of Merit) and do documentaries (he won Oscar's for Hitler Lives and Design for Death). He also created a cartoon called Gerald McBoing-Boing which also won him an Oscar.
In May of 1954, Life published a report concerning illiteracy among school children. The report said, among other things, that children were having trouble to read because their books were boring. This inspired Geisel's publisher, and prompted him to send Geisel a list of 400 words he felt were important, asked him to cut the list to 250 words (the publishers idea of how many words at one time a first grader could absorb), and write a book. Nine months later, Geisel, using 220 of the words given to him published The Cat in the Hat, which went on to instant success.
In 1960 Bennett Cerf bet Geisel $50 that he couldn't write an entire book using only fifty words. The result was Green Eggs and Ham. Cerf never paid the $50 from the bet.
Helen Palmer Geisel died in 1967. Theodor Geisel married Audrey Stone Diamond in 1968. Theodor Seuss Geisel died 24 September 1991.
Also worked under the pen name:
Theo Le Sieg
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and the bottle's on a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles...
...they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle
bottle paddle battle."
A person's a person, no matter how small!
And you very small persons will not have to die
If you make yourselves heard! So come on, now, and TRY!"
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